Windows 7 And "Not enough storage is available to process this command. "

Long ago, owners of computers running Windows XP, trying to copy files across the network to another computer, would see a cryptic message
Not enough server storage is available to process this command.
It appears that, under Windows 7, this message continues, now phrased as
Not enough storage is available to process this command.
In some cases, the file copying may involve just one computer - or maybe one obvious computer, connected to a digital camera.

This message is connected to an obscure registry setting in Windows Networking, IRPStackSize. It looks like Microsoft, as an attempt to make Windows 7 less mysterious, removed the word "server" from the message.

Unfortunately, Googling for "not enough storage is available to process this command. windows 7" turns up a few search hits - but many discussions seem to fumble around a bit, before arriving at the original article KB177078 from Microsoft Support.

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  1. I dread getting that message...

  2. I was blissfully unaware of this error message until recently. I upgraded to AVG 2011 on a XP machine and subsequently couldn't map a drive to it and received the nasty-gram that you quote. I tweaked the registry and access was restored.

  3. Hi,

    Thanks for Sharing Useful Information, Now i am going to add this link on my bookmark.

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